Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Any suggestions for sharp Prez debate questions on criminal justice issues?

Tonight begins the Prez debate season, though I am probably more looking forward to the MLB post-season.  I made the case in this post last month for why I think we ought to somehow arrange for one of the upcoming debates to be entirely about criminal justice issues, but that seems unlikely to happen either formally or informally.  Still, though these topics never get enough attention for my taste, I am hopeful  that the issues that consume this blog could be end up being discussed at some length and with some real bite tonight or at one or more of the coming debates.

Ever eager to help those with the challenging task of executing these debates, I am now eager to hear from readers in the comments  about what criminal justice issues they hope to see raised in the debates.  I would be especially eager, as the title of this post highlights, to read in the comments actual suggested questions that are crafted in sharp ways to try to help ensure the candidates cannot get away with fuzzy answers.   I genuinely doubt that any of the debate moderators are regular readers of the comment section of this blog, but you never know.

So, dear readers, what are your sharp suggestions for sharp Prez debate questions on criminal justice issues?

Via Law http://www.rssmix.com/

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