Wednesday, October 7, 2020

[Josh Blackman] New York Governor Cuomo Announces Jewish Redlining Policy

[Rather than imposing restrictions on high-density zip codes, New York will draw red lines (literally) around "clusters" in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods.]

During the New Deal, the Roosevelt administration rated communities based on whether they were desirable for lending. The government color-coded the maps to give banks a helpful guide. More desirable areas were outlined in green. Declining areas were outlined in yellow. And risk neighborhoods were outlined in red. Unsurprisingly, the "redlined" neighborhoods tended to be poor, black communities. And, in turn, banks denied loans to these redlined communities. To this day, the legacy of redlining is still felt, especially in urban areas.

Did anyone in Governor Cuomo's office reflect on this history? Today, the New York Governor announced a new policy to contain COVID-19. His administration will color-code neighborhoods based on the COVID-19 infection rate. Yellow neighborhoods will have light restrictions. Orange neighborhoods will have heavy restrictions. And red neighborhoods will have stringent restrictions. All schools will be closed in red and orange neighborhoods. In red zones, houses of worship will have strict 10 person caps, regardless of capacity.

And make no mistake. These red zones will not be drawn based on geographic features. They will be gerrymandered to fit Orthodox Jewish communities, but exclude others.

The tone-deafness of this move is absolutely stunning. The Governor is drawing up the 21st century equivalent of ghettos for Jews. And he is encircling these ghettos with red lines. The people in these communities will be subject to heightened inspections, and no doubt, harassment. Quite possibly the only area of New York that will see a greater presence of law enforcement will be Jewish communities. Police officers will stand outside temples, like bouncers at a club, blocking entry after 10 are inside.

Cuomo seems to think he can twist arms, and pressure Jews into compliance. It will not work. Consider this statement from Agudath Israel, a leading Jewish organization:

Governor Cuomo's surprise mass closure announcement today, and limit of 10 individuals per house of worship in "red zones," is appalling to all people of religion and good faith. We have been down this path before, when religious practices were targeted for special treatment by the Governor's Executive Order in May. A suit was filed challenging the Governor's Order then (in which Agudath Israel filed an amicus brief), and the court found it unconstitutional. Repeating unconstitutional behavior does not make it lawful. Moreover, it should be made clear that the Governor's reference to a "good conversation" he had earlier today with a group of Orthodox Jewish leaders was largely a one-way monologue, and contained no mention of this new plan.

Agudath Israel intends to explore all appropriate measures to undo this deeply offensive action.

Agudath is not alone.


Via Law

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